JALT2024: Your Official Logo and Gift Vouchers 貴社の公式ロゴとギフト券につきまして

Dear JALT Sponsors, JALTスポンサーの皆様へ

Official Logo for JALT Social Media and Ceremony Slideshow 
As a special thank you to our sponsors, we present a slideshow showcasing your official logos prior to plenary speakers’ presentations and on JALT Social Media. If your company has a new logo, and especially if you have joined JALT for the first time this year, please send us the image data by email attachment. 


Gift Vouchers 
Gift vouchers are available again this year. JALT will provide two vouchers for full conference registration to each JALT Sponsor. We would like to ask for your help in promoting the Conference and Educational Materials Exhibition (EME) by offering these vouchers to teachers. Please send us your information so that we can prepare a conference name badge for you to pick up at the Registration Help Desk.

Conditions: The voucher is only for those who are not current JALT members and have not been members or participated in the conference for the last 3 years. Participants using this voucher may be photographed or recorded on video. Names of recipients may be published by JALT. All individual personal information will never be shared with any third parties. Accommodation and transportation are not included. Please complete the following information in an email and return it to the following email address <sponsors@jalt.org> by Friday, October 25.

1. Name (to appear on the conference badge) 名札に記載されるお名前(アルファベットで)
2. City and Prefecture of residence 居住市・居住県名
3. Email address メールアドレス
4. Affiliation (to appear on the conference badge) 所属先(アルファベットで)
5. Number of years teaching in Japan 日本での教員年数

今年も各スポンサー団体につき2枚のギフト券を進呈いたします。ギフト券進呈につきましては、現在JALTの会員ではなく、過去3年間に非会員であり、かつ年次国際大会に参加していないことが条件となります。ギフト券をご利用になる方は、大会の映像(写真・動画)に映ったり、お名前が弊会印刷物に掲載されたりする可能性がありますが、個人情報につきましては第三者に提供することはありません。宿泊費・交通費は含みませんので予めご了承ください。名札はご出席当日に大会会場受付にてお受け取りください。ご希望の方は10月25日までに <sponsors@jalt.org>にご連絡ください。どうぞよろしくお願い申し上げます。



