Sponsorship Information

Thank you for your interest in becoming a sponsor of JALT.

Sponsorship in JALT is open to any organization that supports the aims of JALT and is involved in the production of quality products or provides services in or directly related to the language education field. To make the most of what JALT does it is necessary to become a member. There are five sponsorship categories available depending on what your needs are. Fees stated below are good for one year.

Supporting (¥84,000):
Supporting sponsorship includes all JALT publications with an extra copy of The  Language Teacher, and includes advertising rights in these publications at member rates. Supporting sponsors have the right to receive one (1) JALT membership mailing list. Sponsors receive two (2) full complimentary passes for the annual international conference, two (2) displaying personnel, one  (1) unvetted presentation slot, and displaying rights at the EME.

Displaying (¥105,000):
Includes all Supporting sponsorship privileges. Displaying sponsors have the right to receive the JALT membership mailing list two (2) times per year. Displaying sponsors are provided three (3) annual international conference passes free of charge. Display personnel are free of charge, and there is no limit to the number of personnel. Display personnel, however, may not attend presentations. Sponsors receive unlimited displaying personnel, two (2) unvetted presentation slots, and displaying rights at the EME. Displaying sponsors have the right to participate and present in regional and local meetings and conferences organized by JALT chapters and special interest groups (SIGs).

Presenting (¥126,000):
Includes all Displaying sponsorship privileges. Presenting sponsors have the right to receive unlimited access to the JALT membership mailing list.  Presenting sponsors are provided four (4) annual international conference passes free of charge. Display personnel are free of charge, and there is no limit to the number of personnel.  Displaying personnel, however, may not attend presentations. Sponsors receive unlimited displaying personnel, three (3) unvetted presentation slots, and displaying rights at the EME. 

Lifestyle (¥53,000):
The Lifestyle category is for non-education-related companies providing services to the JALT members. This category includes all JALT publications and has advertising rights in these publications at member rates. Lifestyle sponsors have the right to purchase one JALT membership mailing list.

Sampler (¥136,000):
This is a one-off sponsorship that includes the rights equal to Presenting and one unit of display space at the conference, including one table and two chairs. This is available only for businesses applying for the first time (The Sampler is limited to two display personnel at the conference).

Mail to:
The Japan Association for Language Teaching ・ JALT 事務局
Level 20 Marunouchi Trust Tower – Main, 1-8-3 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0005 Japan
〒100-0005 東京都千代田区丸の内1-8-3 丸の内トラストタワー本館20階

Email: sponsor@jalt.org