Important information regarding JALT2023, PanSIG2023, JALTCALL2023 (sent on Feb 1, 2023)

Dear Associate Members, 日本語のお知らせは後に続きます
We hope this newsletter finds you well and starting the year prosperously. This JALT Business newsletter will cover announcements and information we think will interest you  throughout the year.

By now, you should have received a preliminary contribution report which was emailed to you on January 31. This report details the number of unvetted presentation slots that will be awarded to you for the November 24-27 JALT International Conference in Tsukuba. The location will be the same as the 2014 and 2017 conferences at the Tsukuba International Conference Center (〒305-0032 Ibaraki, Tsukuba, Takezono, 2 Chome−20−3).

The notice is already out and on the JALT web page for important deadlines: For Featured Speaker Presentations, the deadline to apply is May 28. Details can be found HERE ← For unvetted presentations: The Deadline to apply is May 14th. Details Can be found HERE ←. Remember the number of unvetted presentations awarded to you is detailed in the  contribution report sent to you January 31st.   Please remember this deadline. We cannot accept applications after the deadline because there is a possibility of a reduction of presentation in response to Associate Members complaining about the number of simultaneous presentations. We are trying to accommodate a EME session with no presentations so conference goers can visit your booths. This plan is being considered and final details will be coming.

Advertising has been very successful for JALT digital platforms. Thank you. The JALT Talk Newsletter, from the December Newsletter sent December 29th: there are 7,089 subscribers, 58.9% opened the mail (4170 unique / opened 8611 times) and 7.6% clicked a link (541 unique clicks) in this newsletter. We plan to open our Instagram platform to advertising from April 2023. Thank you for your support to those advertising on our digital platforms.

Conference Requests for participation:

a.     JALT PanSIG2023 in Kyoto May 12 to May 14: Information can be found HERE←  Please contact Gabriela Schmidt  for more information.
b.     JALTCALL 2023 in Kumamoto June 2-4 : Information can be found HERE←here. Please contact Douglas Jarrell for more information.
5. Site Visit to Tsukuba in February: Katherine Song ( EME Coordinator) and myself will be making a site visit to Tsukuba in the middle of February. If you have any comments or suggestions on how to improve the placement of the EME booths, activities, etc. Please let me know before then.
As always thank you for your constant support of JALT and their membership. We would not have a successful organization without your help.
Kind Regards,
Susan Meiki         JALT Business Manager
Miho Tajima         JALT AM Liaison
Katherine Song    JALT Conference EME Coordinator


重要な日程がJALTのWebページ(にすでに掲載されています。特別講演者のスポンサーシップは、5月28日が申込締切日です。詳細はこちら(をご覧ください。無審査発表の応募の締め切りは5月14日です。詳細はこちら(をご覧ください。無審査発表の申し込み可能枠数は、前述のご貢献額報告書に詳細が記載されています。 同時発表数について会員の皆さまからご提案をいただき、本年は発表数を減らす可能性がございますので、申し込み締切日の遵守をお願いいたします。なお、学会参加者が皆さまのブースを訪問できるように、発表のないEME特別セッションを設けることを現在検討しております。詳細については決まり次第お知らせいたします。

おかげさまでJALTのデジタルプラットフォームへの広告掲載数・閲覧数が増加しております。2022年12月29日配信のJALT Talk Newsletter 12月号は、購読者が7089人。うち58.9%がメールを開き(4170ユニーク/8611回開封)、7.6%がこのニュースレターのリンクをクリック(541ユニーククリック)しました。2023年4月より、Instagramアカウントへの広告もスタートする予定です。広告掲載のご検討をお願いいたします。

JALT PanSIG2023(京都)が5月12日~14日に開催されます(ご案内は添付参照)。詳細につきましては、Gabriela Schmidt(までお問い合わせください。

JALTCALL 2023(熊本)が6月2~4日に開催されます(ご案内は添付参照 )。詳細はDouglas Jarrell(までお問い合わせください。







