Dear Associate Members, 日本語のお知らせは後に続きます
A message from the JALT Director of Program about the upcoming November 2022 conference in Fukuoka
A message from the Business Manager: Advertise on JALT. Stats about the JALT Talk newsletter
A message from the School Owners SIG
1. A Message from the JALT Director of Program:
Hello Associate Members,
Thank you for your continued support in what has been turbulent times. Over the past two years we have tried to adjust to the online environment throughout the organization. Again, thank you for supporting those efforts.
For the JALT2022 conference, our primary plan is to be face to face in Fukuoka at the International Congress Center. We are really excited and at the upcoming Executive Board Meeting, people from the Conference Planning Committee will visit the site, with a full report to come after. We will plan for an Associate Member site visit in the coming months. More information will come.
As we are planning for a face to face conference we will have plenary speakers returning to the main stage. Currently we are looking for two plenary speakers and would like to extend these speaker opportunities to the Associate Members. One speaker needs to have a young learner’s focus, and the other needs to relate to the conference theme–“Learning from Students, Educating Teachers–Research and Practice.” If anyone has suggestions let’s talk about the details. Respond to
Finally, we are looking forward to returning to a live and in-person event, but we don’t want to lose what we have gained from doing online conferences. JALT is planning to have an online component, and your ideas for how that will happen are appreciated. Please send them directly to
Thank you for all your support!!
Be well and stay safe.
Wayne Malcolm
Director of Program
2. A Message from the Business Manager:
JALT currently has 6891 active members. Every month the Publicity Chair, Bill Pelowe, sends out a “JALT TalkK” email newsletter. Here are some interesting statistics that can lead to advertising opportunities:
For the December 2021 JALT Talk: there was a 56% unique open (3875 people). Please consider trying to advertise digitally on the JALT web site or the JALT Talk newsletter. Also, remember that the TLT and JALT Journal is distributed internationally as well. To date, we have 18 international subscribers; this includes the EBSCO service and others are from the USA, Canada, China, UK, and Italy. These subscriptions are digital and hard copy.
Please see the 2021-2022 JALT Media Kit and Advertising Kit information for these opportunities.
3. A message from the School Owners SIG:
A request has come from our School Owners SIG regarding audio for publications. They ask that publishers might consider making textbook/graded readers audio available for easy access online, and if something could be arranged with consideration for school owners. Many parents cannot understand all English websites. Please contact Lesley Ito ( to discuss this further.
Have a prosperous year and best wishes for a healthy one as well,
Susan Meiki
Business Manager
1. 企画担当理事からのメッセージ
私たちは、ライブで皆さまが直接参加する大会に戻ることを楽しみにしていますが、オンライン大会で得た知見も活用していく所存です。それをどのように実現するか、皆さまからのアイデアをお待ちしています。ご意見は まで直接お送りください。
2. ビジネスマネージャーからのメッセージ
JALTは現在6891名の会員を擁しています。毎月広報担当理事のビル・ペロウが「JALT Talk」というメールマガジンを配信しています。今回は広告掲載に有用な統計情報をご紹介いたします。
2021年12月のJALT Talkについて:
56%のユニークアクセス(3875人)がありました。JALTのWebサイトやJALT Talkのメールマガジン上にデジタル広告掲載をご検討ください。また弊会研究誌TLTとJALTジャーナルは海外にも配信されております。EBSCOのサービスをはじめ、アメリカ、カナダ、中国、イギリス、イタリアなど、現在までに18の海外機関からご購読いただいています(デジタル版およびハードコピー版)。
3. スクールオーナーズSIGからのメッセージ
出版物の音声について、学校経営者SIGから要望が出ています。内容は、教科書やグレーデッドリーダーの音声をオンラインで簡単にアクセスできるようにしてほしい、また学校経営者に配慮してアレンジをしてほしい、というものです。英語のウェブサイトを理解できない保護者が多いことが大きな理由として挙げられています。詳細に関しては、Lesley Ito (までお気軽にご連絡ください。