Dear Associate Members, 日本語のお知らせは後に続きます
Thank you for always supporting JALT, especially through these trying times. I do hope you, your colleagues, and loved ones are doing well.
The JALT2021 conference will now be taking place online between November 12 and 15. Based on the current situation with Covid-19 as it is spreading throughout Japan, we thought it prudent to go with a fully online conference. The decision is being made now because August 12 is our use-of-venue deadline with The Granship in Shizuoka. If we make a last minute decision after August 12, JALT would lose a lot of money due to cancellation fees with the venue, surrounding hotels, meals vendors, etc. Also, the planning chaos that would cause is unimaginable. So, the decision for the JALT2021 conference will be to go online using the conference platform designed and maintained by Gary Ross and Stephen Henneberry.
Speakers are being contacted to explain and confirm their intentions. Speakers under your sponsorship will be receiving a message from JALT this week. Please wait before contacting any speakers you know about. Again, we have a specific form for them to complete.
More information regarding the online EME will be coming soon. Our business team will be contacting you with details on pricing, site functions, layout, etc. by the end of August. Of course, if you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please send them to
That is all for now.
Be well and stay safe.
Wayne Malcolm
Director of Program
オンライン展示会(EME)に関する詳細は、近日中にお知らせします。出展料金やサイトの機能、レイアウトなどの詳細につきましては、8月末までにご連絡いたします。 ご質問、ご意見、ご提案などがございましたら、 までお寄せください。