JALT Invitation for Online AM Meeting on May 27 (3:00-5:00) (sent on May 18, 2021)

Dear Associate Members, 日本語のお知らせが後に続きます 
Thank you for your continuing support of JALT and the membership at large. I hope this message finds you doing well in these challenging times.
We have decided to hold an Associate Member virtual meeting on Thursday, May 27th from 3:00 ~ 5:00 p.m. The purpose of this meeting is to update you on many items that we feel will be of concern to you and your company for the following fiscal year and your continued support of JALT.
The agenda of this meeting will be as follows:

Welcome and Introductions: Susan Meiki (JALT Business Manager)

JALT New Terms of Agreement: Susan Meiki

Introducing JALT New Media Kit:  Susan Meiki

New Opportunities to Advertise on JALT Social Media: Bill Pellowe (JALT Director of Public Relations)

New JALT Web site : Robert Chartrand (JALT Vice President) and Bill Pellowe

AM pages on the new JALT site: Susan Meiki

National Conference Planning / Update: Wayne Malcolm (JALT Director of Program) 

Questions and Answers Session: Susan Meiki Moderator

Closing Remarks: Robert Chartrand 

We hope that you and your colleagues will join us for this event. Please respond to this email of your attendance at this meeting. We will send you a link to this meeting after we receive your response. 
We hope to have a very productive meeting and look forward to hearing your advice and comments.                                                   

Be well and stay safe. 
Susan Meiki JALT Business Manager
Miho Tajima  JALT Associate Member Liaison



1. ごあいさつ:明木スーザン (ビジネスマネージャー)
2. 新しいご契約条件について:明木スーザン
3. 新メディアキットのご紹介:明木スーザン
4. ソーシャルメディアへの広告掲載について:ビル・ペロウ(広報担当理事)

5.   新ウェブサイトについて:ロバート・シャテラン(副理事長)/ ビル・ペロウ
6.   新ウェブサイトのビジネス会員様向けページについて:明木スーザン

7.   JALT2021大会の最新情報:ウェイン・マルコム(大会企画担当理事) 

8.   質疑応答:明木スーザン
9.   閉会のごあいさつ:ロバート・シャテラン







