Dear Associate Members, 日本語は英文の後に続きます
First, thank you for your recent attendance and support of the JALT2019 International Conference and Educational Materials Exhibition (EME) in Nagoya at WINC Aichi. We hope that you found the conference enjoyable and useful as you had opportunities to meet with the conference participants.
JALT2019: The number of attendees in total was 1,696.
The hourly count of the traffic in the EME area is shown in the graph below (drafted by JALT2019 EME Coordinator, Susan Meiki). This number includes all booth staff plus people visiting the area.
Second, we are preparing for the next conference at Tsukuba International Congress Center (Epochal Tsukuba) in Ibaraki scheduled from Friday, November 20 to Monday, November 23, 2020. The Educational Materials Exhibition is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday for 2 days.
Post-conference Survey
We kindly ask for a few moments of your time to provide us with feedback on JALT2019 by completing the online form at . The results from this survey will greatly assist us to develop an agenda for the next AM Meeting. To help JALT serve you better, we would appreciate your completing the online survey by Monday, January 6, 2020.
Key Dates for JALT2020
We would like to inform you of some key dates you should put on your 2020 calendars.
JALT2020 Theme: “Communities of Teachers and Learners”
Call for Presentation Proposals
Submissions open early December to February 24, 2020.
The Featured Speaker Workshop (FSW) applications will be accepted until Monday, February 24, 2020, and more information will be available by mid-January 2020. If you have any concerns or questions about the Featured Speaker Workshop, please contact our Director of Program, Wayne Malcolm, at .
Key Dates:
AM Meeting: TBA
Deadline for Featured Speaker Workshop applications: Monday, February 24, 2020
Deadline for Vetted applications: Monday, February 24, 2020
Deadline for Unvetted applications: Sunday, May 17, 2020
AM Newsletter Archive Now Available Online
The following is the link to AM Newsletter Archive where you can go and check the previously-issued newsletters anytime (January 2019 to the present):
In closing, we are looking forward to your constructive feedback as we know the information will allow for fruitful discussions to be had at the next AM Meeting.
Thank you again for your ongoing support, and we look forward to receiving your feedback by January 6, 2020.
Most Sincerely,
Cory Koby, Business Manager
Susan Meiki, EME Coordinator
Miho Tajima, AM Liaison
Please reply to:
愛知県産業労働センター(ウィンクあいち)にて開催されましたJALT2019年次国際大会にご参加いただき、多くのご支援を賜りましたことを お礼申し上げます。総来場者数は1,696名となりました。ご参考までに、時間ごとの教材展示会場来場者数をグラフにいたしました(作成者:明木スーザン)。人数は展示スタッフを含めた総計を表示しています。
来年度の年次国際大会は、2020年11月20日(金)から23日(月)(教材展示会は、土曜と日曜の2日間)にかけて、つくば国際会議場(Epochal Tsukuba)にて開催いたします。より良い大会を開催するためにも、ぜひJALT2019大会についてのご意見をお聞かせください。ご多用中恐縮ですが、下記リンク先にございますアンケート内容にご記入のうえ、2020年1月6日(月)までにご回答くださいますようお願いいたします。皆様からのご意見は、次回のAMミーティングでの議題にさせていただきます。回答は日本語でも受け付けております。
JALT2020年次国際大会のテーマは“Communities of Teachers and Learners”です。
AM ミーティング: 未定