Sponsorship available for JALT CUE & BizCom ESP symposium (sent April 1, 2019)

Dear Associate Member:


Thank you for your interest in sponsoring the 2019 ESP Symposium, organized by the JALT CUE & BizCom special interest groups. The 2019 ESP Symposium will take place at Uchida Yoko in Osaka on September 21st, 2019 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and we are expecting about 100 attendees. We are proud to announce that the symposium will feature three plenary speakers, all of whom are well known experts in the English for specific purposes field. Winnie Cheng (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) will discuss her work with pillar Hong Kong industries and insights gained from this in terms of corpora and discipline specific communication methods and how this applies to current pedagogical practices. Judy Noguchi (Kobe Gakuin University) will explain about the operationalization of ESL theory in preparing ESL students for the communicating with people outside their own field and teaching students skills to deal with situations brought on by innovations in communication. Laurence Anthony (Waseda University) will talk about recent developments and future directions in the ESP field, providing attendees with insights on such topics of ESL program design and incorporating corpora research into teaching materials.  The symposium will also feature two poster sessions where CUE and BizCom members will present about ESP research, classroom activities, and other topics of interest related to ESP.
Please return your sponsorship requests by June 30th.


CUE/BizCom ESP Symposium

Date: September 21

Location: Uchida Yoko in Osaka

Location Information:  https://www.uchida.co.jp/global/facilities_3.html
Link to symposium website: https://jaltcue.org/content/cue-esp-symposium-2019
Exhibition Area


Plenary room with adjoining exhibition area.



We will hold the poster presentation on one side of the room, and also supply coffee here, with a small stage for 2 short talks. So there will be a lot of people mingling around the sponsors’ tables.


There is space in the middle of the room, but no power outlets. So if you would like to set up in the middle of the room and you require power, then you will need to bring extension cables and thick masking tape, to avoids any risks. 



180cm exhibitor tables will be supplied

Booking Form

The booking form should be completed in full, and returned to the sponsorship coordinator at dan.newbury@gmail.com.
Once we have received the completed form, we will issue an invoice from CUE SIG. Please note that your sponsorship/exhibition form acts as a binding agreement and cancellation at any time prior to the event will incur the full exhibition stand cost. If you have any questions about exhibiting or sponsoring at this conference, please contact Dan Newbury at the email address above.
We look forward to seeing you in Osaka!

Sponsorship Packages
We are offering a range of sponsorship opportunities and have itemized them to make it clear what you are sponsoring and what you will receive in exchange for your sponsorship.
There are three levels of sponsorship: Gold, Silver, and Bronze. Each sponsorship level offers its own unique opportunity to support the teaching community and to share your message with them. All prices are in Japanese Yen.

GOLD SPONSORSHIP (cost: 40,000yen and limited to one sponsor)

  Includes the following:


An unvetted poster

Your roll-up banner at the stage in the main plenary room

Two tables at the event for displaying your publications

Display logo on the PowerPoint slide during welcome and closing ceremonies

Full page color advertisement in the conference program

Logo with link to company on the BizCom SIG website for 1 year ?? (1 Sept. 2018 – 31 August 2019)

SILVER SPONSORSHIP (cost: 30,000yen)
Includes the following:

An unvetted poster

Two tables at the event for displaying your publications

Display logo on the PowerPoint slide during welcome and closing ceremonies

Half page color advertisement in the conference program

Logo with link to company on the BizCom SIG website for 1 year (1 Sept. 2018 – 31 August 2019)

BRONZE SPONSORSHIP (cost: 20,000yen)
Includes the following:

One table at the event for your publications display

Display logo on the PowerPoint slide during welcome and closing ceremonies

Logo in the conference program


Extra sponsorship opportunities available upon request.

If extra tables are required, please add 5,000 yen per table.

Conference fees are also waived for all sponsors.

All invoices will be sent by email after confirmation between JALT CUE SIG and the sponsoring company. Please settle your payment within 30 days of receiving the invoice.

Please provide the information requested in the attached sponsorship booking form, and email it to: dan.newbury@gmail.com






