Dear Associate Members, ビジネス会員の皆さまへ
Please reply to: am@associates
Additional Booth Equipment Orders (by Nov. 10) ブース備品の追加注文(11月10日締め切り)
Each exhibit booth comes with one desk (W180cm x D60 x H70) and two chairs free of charge. If you would like to order additional equipment, please let us know by Friday, November 10. The cost is ¥2500 per desk, ¥600 for a chair, and ¥5000 per one panel (H210cm x W90). If you wish to order panels, please let us know where they will be installed. (e.g., between adjacent booths on the left and/or right, at the back of the booth, etc.) ブース費用には机1台 (W180cm x D60 x H70) と椅子が2脚含まれています。備品の追加注文は、 11月10日(金)までにメールでお知らせください。机は1台2500円、椅子は1脚600円、パネルは1枚5000円 (H210cm x W90) になります。パネルをご注文の際は、設置場所についてもお知らせください(例:左右で隣接するブースとの間、ブースの背面、等)
Official Logo for Ceremony Slideshow (by Nov. 10) スライドショー用のロゴをお送りください(11月10日締め切り)
As a special thank you to our sponsors, we present a slideshow showcasing your official logos prior to plenary speakers’ presentations. If your company has a new logo, and especially if you have joined JALT for the first time this year, please send us the image data by Friday, November 10 by email attachment. 基調講演の前後に、スポンサー企業の皆さまへ感謝の意をこめて、貴社のロゴを紹介するスライドショーを実施しています。今年度ロゴが新しくなった会員の皆さま、ならびに今年度からビジネス会員に入会なさった皆さまは、11月10日(金)までにメール添付で貴社のロゴをお送りください。
Final Registration Announcement 大会登録に関する最終のご案内
Each membership category allows a different number of people to participate in the conference for free for all days. Presenting (4 people), Displaying (3), Supporting and Sampler (2). As for the number of display-only personnel, Presenting and Displaying members can have an unlimited number of personnel, whereas Supporting and Sampler, two only. Please complete the following information in an email and return it to this email address <> ASAP.
- Participants’ name
- Respective email address
- Country of residence if outside Japan
- Whether they are paid registrants or display-only attendees
Registration fee for paid participants:
All three days: 20,000 yen/person
One day: 15,000 yen/person
- 参加者氏名(アルファベット表記で)
- それぞれのメールアドレス
- 海外からのご参加の場合は居住国
- 有料登録者か、展示スタッフ(無料)かの区別
Do not reply to the email beginning with <am-list>. Please reply to:
Susan Meiki JALT Business Manager ビジネスマネージャー、明木スーザン
Katherine Song JALT2023 EME Coordinator EMEコーディネーター、キャサリン・ソング
Miho Tajima JALT AM Liaison ビジネス会員担当、但馬みほ