We thank you very much for participating in the JALT2023 Educational Materials Exhibition (EME) at the Tsukuba International Congress Center.
Here are a few things to remember during your stay here:
Set Up Schedule: 展示ブースの準備
Set up time starts on Friday, November 24 at 14:00 and finishes at 18:00.
EME Hours of Operation: 教材展示会開催時間
Saturday, November 25, 09:00-18:00
(Associate Members and Site Committee members may enter from 8:30.)
Sunday, November 26, 09:00-15:30
11月26日(日)午前9時から午後3時半時まで(ビジネス会員の方は午前8時半から入場できます) (Associate Members and Site Committee members may enter from 8:30.)
Monday, November 27: No EME
There will be WIFI this year in the EME area. There will be one password (Jalt2023) for the multiple hotspots set up with JALT IDs, i.e., JALT_###. 会場内WIFIのパスワードは (Jalt2023)です
Break Down Schedule: 展示ブースの撤去スケジュール
Break down time starts on Sunday, November 26 at 15:30. 撤去は11月26日午後3時半から開始してください
At 15:30, packing of your materials can begin. Watanabe Ryutsu can start collecting your boxes at 15:30.
NOTE: Please DO NOT start breaking down your booth BEFORE 15:30. 午後3時半までは展示ブースの撤去を始めないでください
Storage space for your empty boxes: お荷物用の段ボール箱は、2階と3階に保管スペースがあります。ピンクのTシャツを着たインターンが会場を巡回しますので、お声を掛けてください。ご案内いたします。
The storage areas will be on the 2F behind the EME Headquarters and the 3F near the Chu Hall 300. There will be pink-shirt interns to help you coordinate the storage of your boxes Friday afternoon and Saturday night.
Please dispose of rubbish in the designated bins on each floor. ゴミは各階所定の場所に捨ててください
Friday/Saturday Night Caution: 夜間について
Please take any valuables with you Friday and Saturday nights. We will close the area to restrict public access during this time.
Charging/Refill areas: 充電、給水所について
This year we are trying to promote more traffic to the EME with water refill and device charging stations. We hope this will attract more people to your booth(s). The water refill stations are located next to booths 1 (4F) and 29 (2F). 2階ホール脇に充電用ステーションを設置します。また2階ブース29横と、4階ブース1横に給水場所を設置します。
Warm Hearts Coffee operating Hours: カフェ営業時間
Saturday, November 25, 9:00-
Sunday, November 26, 9:00-
Conference Badge Holders
Please remember EME-only badge holders are not permitted in the presentation areas of the conference. Anyone found wearing an EME-only badge will have that AM billed for a full conference badge on their conference invoice.
Any questions/problems?
Katherine will set up an EME HQ on the 2nd floor. ご用がございましたら2階EME本部までお越しください。
Katherine Song, EME Coordinator
キャサリン・ソング EMEコーディネーター