Dear Associate Members, 日本語のお知らせは後に続きます
SIG/Chapter EME Fee Voucher
We have received a question about the voucher program described in the Terms of Agreement that was recently sent to you. Please see page 4 of the attached Terms of Agreement, under “EME Display Fees”>”JALT Local/SIG Conference Participation Fee Voucher.”
Vouchers are discounts that associate members (AMs) can use to exhibit at SIG/chapter events. Discount rates vary depending on your membership category (i.e., Presenting, Displaying, Supporting).
This is how it works:
1. AMs who wish to use this voucher must inform JALT AM Liaison (Miho Tajima; which event they wish to use it for.
2. The voucher can be used ONCE regardless of the amount of the exhibit fee. The difference is non-refundable.
3. The voucher amount will be deducted from your next year’s annual membership fee at the time of renewal.
4. This offer is only applicable upon request. In other words, the discount is NOT automatically applied to all AMs.
5. The discount amount will not be included in the annual contribution.
As noted above, the discount will be deducted from your annual membership renewal for the following year, so please pay the full display fee when applying for the event.
Browsing JALT Publications Online
Associate members can now view the latest issues of our journals online.
If you wish to browse the journals online, please create an email address that can be used by all members of your company, not your individual email, and let us know.
As always, thank you for your support of JALT, and if you have any questions/comments, please feel free to let us know.
先日皆様にお送りしたTerms of Agreementに記載されたバウチャー割引についてご質問をいただきましたので、以下にご説明いたします。添付の4ページ目、“EME Display Fees”>”JALT Local/SIG Conference Participation Fee Voucher” をご参照ください。
1. バウチャーの使用を希望する会員は、出展イベント名をビジネス会員担当者にお知らせください。
2. 本バウチャーは、出展料にかかわらず1回限り使用できます。差額が生じた場合の払い戻しはできません。
3. バウチャーは、更新時に次年度の年会費から差し引かれます。
4. 本特典は、お申し出があった場合のみ適用されます。すべての会員に自動的に割引が適用されるわけではありません。
5. 割引額は年間貢献額には含まれません。