JALT: 2024 Important Documents (sent on Apr. 3, 2024)

Dear JALT Associate Member, 
As always, thank you for your support of JALT and their members. Your support is vital to keeping this non-profit organization going. This year we are celebrating our 50th international conference at the Shizuoka Granship November 15~18 and we hope you can participate to make this event extra special. Attached, please find the 2024 Procedures for Awarding, Advertising Kit, and AM Terms of Agreement. Here are some highlights of the changes to these documents. 

New items / Changes to the 2024-2025 documents:

1. 2024 Procedures for Awarding:
Due to the changes in costs of the conference venues, JALT will generally try to keep initial and additional booth prices the same as in 2023. However, as the venue prices are increasing all over Japan, this initial price is an estimate subject to change. Once we sign a contract with a venue and construction company, we can determine the actual cost. We do not foresee an increase of more than 10%. Please keep this in mind if you are budgeting for this event in November 2024. 

2. 2024 Advertising Kit
When ordering online advertisements, one platform per order will be enforced. To take advantage of the discounts, one platform is applied to this order. Multiple platforms, for example, one month of JALT Talk newsletter and one month of JALT homepage will be considered to be 2 separate orders and a discount will not be applied. The JALT Talk newsletter has increased the number of ads it can accept to 4. Ads will be placed on a first come first serve basis.

3. 2024 AM Terms of Agreement
Due to changes in the economy, the Associate Member’s annual fee has been increased by 5%. This fee has not changed in recent history. We will strive to keep conference fees the same as in 2023, however, basic operational costs are rising across the country and we need to adapt to this environment. We hope you will understand this increase.

Under the heading “4) ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP PAYMENTS, RENEWALS, AND CANCELLATIONS,” the following was added to this agreement:
e) Associate membership payments are non-refundable. JALT is a non-profit institution that is funded by membership dues. Associate membership dues are considered donations and are not refundable once paid. 

Thank you very much for your ongoing support of JALT, and should you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us at any time.


Susan Meiki: JALT Business Manager

Miho Tajima: AM Liaison




1. 2024年度Procedures for Awardingに関して

2. 2024年度Advertising Kitに関して
オンライン広告をご注文の際は、1回のご注文につき1プラットフォームとさせていただきます。割引は1注文/1プラットフォームで適用されます。複数のプラットフォーム(例:JALT Talkニュースレターに1ヶ月分+JALTホームページに1ヶ月分、等)は別々の注文とみなされ、割引は適用されません。JALT Talkニュースレターへの広告受付数を4枠に増やしました。先着順での受付となります。

3. AM Terms of Agreementに関して

e) いったんお支払いいただいた会費の払い戻しはできません。JALTは、会費によって運営されている非営利団体です。ビジネス会員の会費は寄付とみなされ、一度納入された会費は返金されません。






