JALT Sponsors Newsletters

  • JALT2021 EME Survey (deadline: December 13), etc. (sent on December 7, 2021)

    Dear Associate Members, 日本語のお知らせは後に続きます We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for your support in organizing the JALT2021 online again this year as last year. We apologize for the heavy traffic on the first day of the conference, which made it difficult to access to the site for a couple of hours. Associate Members who…

  • JALT2021 Q&A and Discord Server Information (sent on Nov. 9, 2021)

    Dear Associate Members,   This is the latest version of the answers to the questions we received from you with regard to the JALT2021 EME. You can find them at this link (the PDF version attached as well): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Kjxzz7dBLfGVVdZFuFFz_tjecLyDUsxe7FTEQL5S03s/ The other announcement is an invitation to join the Discord server. The purpose and how to join…

  • JALT2021 Q&A for Associate Members (sent on October 25)

    Dear Associate Members, This document was created to share with you the questions we have received from fellow JALT Associate Members concerning the EME and Advertising opportunities. If there are more questions, we will add them as they come in.    Please check the following link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Kjxzz7dBLfGVVdZFuFFz_tjecLyDUsxe7FTEQL5S03s/edit   Below you will find a copy of the…

  • JALT2021 EME Instruction Video (sent on Oct. 20, 2021)

    Dear Associate Members, 日本語のお知らせが後に続きます   Thank you very much for your support of JALT.  Here is a link about how you can edit the sponsor pages on the Edzil.la site for JALT2021.     More detailed information, such as front page access to the EME, Widget function, and page placement, will be provided to you as soon as the Edzil.la creators…

  • JALT2021 Online EME and Advertising Opportunities (Sent on Oct 18)

    Dear Associate Members, 日本語のお知らせが後に続きます   Thank you very much for your continued support of JALT. The following is the summary of the JALT2021 Online EME information that was sent to the mailing list on October 15.   Registration Fee for JALT2021 Conference The number of people who can register for the conference free of charge depends…

  • JALT2021 Online EMEと大会ご登録についてのご案内(日本語)(sent on Oct. 16, 2021)

    ビジネス会員の皆さまへ  平素はJALTをご支援いただき誠にありがとうございます。 10月15日にメーリングリストにてお送りいたしましたJALT2021大会オンライン展示会ご案内の要点をお送りいたします。    JALT2021大会への登録費用 会員カテゴリーにより無料で大会に登録いただける人数に違いがあります。 Presenting会員:4名まで無料 Displaying会員:3名まで無料 Supporting会員:2名まで無料 Sampler会員:2名まで無料 上記を上回る数の登録にはお一人様につき10,000円が必要になります。 参加希望者すべての皆さまのお名前とそれぞれのメールアドレスをまでお知らせください。     オンラインEMEブースの費用 EMEブースの費用は50,000円となります。 会員カテゴリーにより以下のプロダクトページが無料でご利用いただけます。   Presenting会員:3 Displaying会員:2 Supporting会員:1 Sampler会員:1 追加のプロダクトページには、1ページにつき25,000円が加算されます。   プロダクトページに関するご案内は以下のリンクをご覧ください。 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1N82LZJTI0UscCOuY_r_z0MoyxY80WVZLHth6g8XBdf4/edit?usp=sharing     大会ハンドブックおよび基調講演への広告掲載 1.大会デジタルハンドブックへの広告を募集いたします。以下の箇所にカラー広告を掲載することができます。 表紙の内側 65,000円 裏表紙の内側 60,000円 裏表紙の外側 90,000円 1フルページ 54,000円 1/2ページ 33,000円 1/4ページ  22,000円   2. ライブ基調講演の前に広告動画スペースをご用意いたしました。以下の6つの講演を予定しています。 Saturday, November 13 @ 9:30-10:30: Yuko Goto Butler, “The Digital Generation’s Language Use and Abilities.” Saturday, November 13…

  • JALT2021 Online EME Registration Information and Terms of Agreement (sent on Oct 15)

    Dear Associate Members,   Thank you very much for your support of JALT. We are finally ready to announce the JALT2021 Conference Terms of Agreement. Please read the attached document carefully and let us know your intention to participate in the online EME via the form. The Terms of Agreement also contains information about advertising opportunities.…

  • JALT: Sponsorship of the JALT ER SIG Newsletter (sent on Sep. 15, 2021)

    Dear JALT Associate Members, Thank you for your support of JALT and the Extensive Reading SIG. The JALT ER SIG is looking for sponsors to help send out our newsletter, ERJ, which reaches around 200 members of the SIG, all of whom are ER enthusiasts.  The next ERJ should be ready to send October 2021.…

  • Hiroshima JALT 2021 Conference (December 18, 2021) Announcement (sent on Sep. 6, 2021)

    Hiroshima JALT 2021 Conference Hiroshima JALT is delighted to invite JALT’s Associate Members to sponsor our December 18th Hiroshima JALT 2021 Conference (poster attached). The event will be held entirely online. If you would like to join the conference, could you kindly complete this short Google questionnaire no later than Thursday September 30th.   If you wish…

  • JALT2021 AM-Sponsored Presenters’ Time Zone (if OUTSIDE Japan) (sent on Aug 23, 2021)

    Dear Associate Members, 日本語のお知らせは後に続きます   Thank you for your ongoing support of JALT. We would like to know if there are any AM-sponsored presenters who would like to give a LIVE presentation from OUTSIDE of Japan. It is important for us to know which time zone they will be presenting from in order to schedule their presentations. We…