NPO The Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT)
Learning to Teach, Teaching to Learn

Established in 1976, JALT serves an international membership of approximately 2,300 language teachers with 32 JALT chapters and 32 special interest groups (SIGs).

Become a JALT sponsor

Sponsorship in JALT is open to any organization that supports the aims of JALT and is involved in the production of quality products or provides services in or directly related to the language education field. To make the most of what JALT does it is necessary to become a sponsor. There are five sponsorship categories available depending on what your needs are.


All JALT social media platforms can offer advertising opportunities.

Find out how you can advertise through JALT’s websites, in our publications, or on JALT’s social media.

International Conferences

Now one of the pre-eminent conferences on language teaching and learning, the JALT International Conference showcases research by experienced scholars and young academics, as well as the most current in educational materials.

Some of our sponsors

  • Kinseido Publishing Co., Ltd.
  • Tryalogue Education Co., Ltd.
  • Pearson Japan K.K.
  • EnglishCentral Japan K.K.
  • Nellie’s English Books
  • Oxford University Press
  • Cambridge University Press & Associates
  • National Geographic Learning | Cengage Learning

And many others


  • Resend: Call for PanSIG 2025 Exhibitors

    Please reply to Gabriela Schmidt: Dear Sponsor, Thank you for your interest in the 24th PanSIG2025 conferencebeing held May 17-18, 2025 at Kanda University of International Studies (KUIS) in Mihama Ward, Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture. There will be four pre-conference workshops for professional development in the evening on May 16, 2025. The conference chair is Robert Dykes; the site co-chairs are Jennie Roloff Rothman and…

  • PanSIG2025 Correction of Contact Email Address

    Apology and Correction Dear JALT Sponsors, There was an error in the contact email address for the PanSIG2025 that was sent yesterday. The correct email address is: Gabriela Schmidt: Attached is the correct information about the conference and the application form. Please contact us directly at the above email address. We apologize for the inconvenience…

  • JALT2024 Attendance Report / JALT2024 参加者数のご報告

    Dear JALT Sponsors, 日本語のお知らせは後に続きます First, thank you very much for your recent attendance and support of the JALT2024 International Conference and Educational Materials Exhibition (EME) in Shizuoka. We hope that you found the JALT2024  enjoyable and useful as you had opportunities to meet with the conference participants. Below, we are pleased to report the number of conference participants…

  • JALT 2024 Educational Materials Exhibition : Post Conference Survey 大会に関するアンケートのお願い

    Dear JALT Sponsors, Your support of JALT is always appreciated and vital to the sustainability of our organization. Thank you from the entire membership. The 2024JALT conference has come to a close and was recorded as a successful event with over 1200 attendees and registrants. As always, we are always listening to our Sponsors and trying…

  • JALT2024 Sponsor Letter from the EME Coordinator

    TO: Sponsors and JALT Committee Members WELCOME TO JALT2024! We thank you very much for participating in the JALT2024 Educational Materials Exhibition (EME) at the Shizuoka Granship. Here are a few things to remember during your stay here: Set Up Schedule:Set up time starts on Friday, November 15 at 13:00 and finishes at 18:00.If you use Watanabe Ryutsu, your boxes will be…

  • JALT2024 International Conference Sponsor Update and Survey 大会最新情報とアンケートのおねがい

    Dear JALT Sponsors, JALTスポンサーの皆様へ Thank you for your support of the Japan Association for Language Teaching. We are 1 month away from our international conference at the Grandhip in Shizuoka on November 16-18. This is a newsletter to keep you up to date on special announcements and opportunities to make your JALT conference more productive…

  • JALT2024 Conference Registration (Deadline Extended to October 25)

    Dear JALT Sponsors, JALTスポンサーの皆様 The deadline for conference registrantration has passed, but we have extended the final deadline to October 25. Sponsors who have already registered but need to make changes will also be accepted until October 25. Please see the email below for the information required to apply for registration. In response to requests from previous years…

  • Invitation for the 2024 Tohoku ELT Expo on 8 December (JALT Sendai Chapter)

    Dear JALT Sponsor, The Sendai chapter of JALT cordially invites you to participate in the 2024 Tohoku ELT Expo on 8 December (Sun) from 9:00 to 17:00. As you may know, JALT Sendai has worked for many years with ETJ on past Expos. Unfortunately, ETJ has decided not to include Sendai in its 2024 schedule, so JALT Sendai has decided…

  • JALT2024: Your Official Logo and Gift Vouchers 貴社の公式ロゴとギフト券につきまして

    Dear JALT Sponsors, JALTスポンサーの皆様へ Official Logo for JALT Social Media and Ceremony Slideshow JALTのSNS掲載ならびにスライドショー用のロゴをお送りくださいAs a special thank you to our sponsors, we present a slideshow showcasing your official logos prior to plenary speakers’ presentations and on JALT Social Media. If your company has a new logo, and especially if you have joined JALT for the first…

  • JALT2024 Watanabe Ryutsu Shipping Information and Request for Pick-up/Delivery Service

    Dear JALT Sponsors,  Thank you for joining the Educational Materials Exhibition at JALT2024. This announcement is sent to you on behalf of JALT’s designated shipping agent, Watanabe Ryutsu (WR). WR will offer to pick up, store, and deliver your materials between your place and your booth site at the Shizuoka JALT conference. Please be sure to read…

Our Mission
JALT promotes excellence in language learning, teaching, and research by providing opportunities for those involved in language education to meet, share, and collaborate.