Category: Uncategorized
JALT2019 Conference Ad Kit, Procedures for Awarding and Sponsorship Opportunities, etc. (sent June 10, 2019)
Dear Associate Members, 【日本語のご案内は英語の後に続きます】 Thank you very much for your patience and support with the booth allocation process. We have currently received and confirmed the request from the Platinum Sponsor. The next priority booth allocation phase is for Gold Sponsors that begins on Thursday, June 13. Just a quick reminder for those who have not submitted proposals for…
Friendly Reminder: JALT2019 Deadline for Unvetted Presentation Proposals (sent May 13, 2019)
Dear JALT Associate Member, 【英文の後に日本語が続きます】 This is a friendly reminder that the deadline for unvetted presentation proposals is Friday, May 17th. Those of you who have not yet submitted your proposals, please do so immediately at this address: Please be advised that presentation slots cannot be guaranteed when information is submitted late and will only…
Reminder: JALT2019 EME Booth Requirement/ JALT2019 教材展示会ブースに関するアンケート (sent April 26, 2019)
Dear Associate Members, 【英文の後に日本語が続きます】 Thank you very much to those who have already sent us the JALT2019 EME booth allocation survey. If you have not had a chance to respond, the survey is available at: JALT2019 will be held November 1-4 in Nagoya at WINC Aichi (The Educational Materials Exhibition…
JALT2019 EME Booth Requirement/ JALT2019 教材展示会ブースに関するアンケート (sent April 22, 2019)
Dear Associate Members, 【英文の後に日本語が続きます】 We hope this email finds you very well. The following message is to inform you about the important survey regarding the JALT2019 EME booth allocation. JALT2019 will be held November 1-4 in Nagoya at WINC Aichi (The Educational…
JALT: New Advertising Prices for 2019-2020 Now Available (English/日本語)(sent April 3, 2019)
Dear Associate Members, JALT would like to inform you that our advertising price list for 2019-2020 is now available on our website. The rates and procedures are the same as last year. Website page: Direct link to our PDF: Please submit your applications to, or use the online form available at Our application…
Sponsorship available for JALT CUE & BizCom ESP symposium (sent April 1, 2019)
Dear Associate Member: Thank you for your interest in sponsoring the 2019 ESP Symposium, organized by the JALT CUE & BizCom special interest groups. The 2019 ESP Symposium will take place at Uchida Yoko in Osaka on September 21st, 2019 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and we are expecting about 100 attendees. We…
JALT AM meeting Minutes / AM ミーティング議事録 (sent March 13, 2019)
Dear Associate Members, (日本語は英語の後に続きます) Thank you for your ongoing support of JALT as always. Attached please find the AMMeeting minutes. The meeting on February 21 was very helpful, and we hope the minutes reflect the fruitful discussions we had. You can find a copy inthe Associate Members’ area of the JALT website as well: …
Invitation for JALTCALL2019 Conference in Tokyo (May31 – June2) (sent March 13, 2019)
Dear JALT Associate Member, The JALT Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Special Interest Group (SIG) is happy to announce its upcoming annual conference. The conference will be held at Aoyama Gakuin University, Shibuya, Tokyo, from May 31st – June 2, 2019. JALTCALL2019 AI and Machine Learning in Language Education Keynote speaker: Evgeny Chukharev-Hudilainen, Assistant…
Seeking Sponsor for Tokyo JALT July Event (sent March 12, 2019)
Dear Associate Members, Thank you for your continued support of JALT along with the various Chapters and Special Interest Groups (SIGs). In July (tentatively July 5th) we will hold our annual State of the Chapter from approximately 6 to 9pm at Rikkyo’s Ikebukuro Campus. This is an event where we show how much…
JALT AM Meeting Reminder AMミーティングのお知らせ (sent February 19, 2019)
Dear Associate Members, (日本語は英語の後に続きます) Thank you again for your continued support of JALT. This is a friendly reminder of the Associate Members’ meeting on Thursday. Meeting Details are as follows: Date: Thursday, February 21, 2019 Time: 12:00pm~14:30pm (The meeting may finish earlier) Venue:Cicada 2F private room Address: 5-7-28 Minamiaoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo URL: Access:…