Category: Uncategorized
Invitation for JALTCALL2021 Online Conference (sent on April 7, 2021)
Dear JALT Associate Member, The JALT Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Special Interest Group (SIG) is happy to announce its upcoming annual conference, Remote Teaching and Beyond. We have decided to make JALTCALL2021 an online conference. The conference will be virtually on the web at The JALTCALL SIG members would like to invite…
JALT 2021 Media Kit / JALTメディアキットにつきまして sent on Feb. 25, 2021
Dear Associate Member, 日本語のご案内は後に続きます As always, thank you for your help and support of JALT. To start the year off to an energetic way the JALT business team is creating a JALT 2021 Media Kit to provide a one stop easy guide for advertisement and sponsorship opportunities for Associate Members. This Media Kit will also be used…
JALT EME Online Survey and the New Business Manager オンラインアンケートと新ビジネスマネージャーのごあいさつ (sent on Dec. 24, 2020)
Dear Associate Members, 日本語のお知らせは後に続きます JALT2020 Educational Materials Exhibition Associate Members Survey Introducing the New JALT Business Manager Thank you very much for attending and making JALT2020 a special and historic event for JALT and for all. We are reviewing operations and discussing how best to capitalize on what took place. In order to keep…
JALT2020 Important Registration/EME Information (sent Nov. 11, 2020)
Dear Associate Members, 日本語のご案内が後に続きます Thank you for supporting JALT during these unusual times. This newsletter will address some important points regarding the conference: Registration for AMs Practice sessions for presenters Advertisement opportunities Submitting EME materials Minutes of the last AM meeting Registration for AMs For Associate Members there are 5 complimentary waivers that can be…
JALT2020 Important Announcements / JALT2020に関する重要なお知らせ(11月6日)(sent Nov. 6, 2020)
Dear Associate Members, 日本語のお知らせは後に続きます We have a couple of important announcements to make as the conference draws nearer. First, as we announced in the previous newsletter, please let us know who your five complimentary tickets will be for. Email Miho ( names and email addresses of the persons using these tickets. Second, for those who…
JALT: Important Information for JALT2020 JALT2020大会に関する重要なお知らせ (sent Oct. 28, 2020)
Dear Associate Members, 日本語のお知らせは後に続きます Thank you very much for your continued support of JALT. We would also like to thank you for your participation in the last online meeting held on September 25 and for your valuable feedback. Please find attached the minutes of the meeting, which contain important information for the JALT2020 that…
JALT Advertising Opportunities for The Language Teacher Special Conference Edition (sent Sept 9, 2020)
Dear Associate Members, 日本語のご案内が後に続きます We have advertising opportunities for The Language Teacher (November), JALT2020 Special Conference edition. Currently, Outside Back Cover is taken, but the rest is available. For the prices and technical information, please refer to the attached Advertising Kit. If you are interested, please reply to or simply fill out the online form…
JALT: Invitation to JALT ER SIG and JERA Joint Event on Aug 22 (sent 8/7/2020)
Dear JALT AM, Thank you for supporting JALT and the Extensive Reading SIG. We would like to invite any JALT AMs who publish graded readers or support extensive reading to participate in the ER Summer Seminar, which will be held over Zoom on 22nd August as a joint event with the JALT ER SIG and…
JALT2020 Updates and Invitation for the Next Online Meeting/ JALT2020最新情報と次回オンラインミーティングへのお誘い(sent 7/7/2020)
Dear Associate Members, (日本語は英語の後に続きます) Thank you very much for your ongoing support of JALT as always. The online AM meeting on June 26 was very helpful, and we hope that the attached minutes reflect the fruitful discussions we had. Invitation for the next online AM meeting You are cordially invited to the next online…
JALT2020 Virtual Conference Update/ JALT2020オンライン開催につきまして (sent June 20, 2020)
Dear Associate Members, 日本語のご案内が後に続きます First, please accept my humble apology for taking some days to share the following information. I have been teaching a full course load online and am only now able to find the time to share the following information. 1. JALT2020 Virtual Conference With the support and advice from the JALT Chapter…