JALTCALL in NAGOYA May 17-19; Zoom for Professional Development (Monthly)(sent on Jan. 29, 2024)
INVITATION FOR JALTCALL IN NAGOYA (May 17– May 19) The Japan Association for Language Teaching’s (JALT) Computer Assisted Language Learning Special Interest Group (CALL SIG) will be hosting JALTCALL 2024, our yearly conference, at Meijo University in Nagoya from Friday, May 17 through Sunday, May 19, 2024. The theme of this year’s conference will be…
JALT2024 Call for Presentations and Post EME Survey JALT2024発表募集、アンケート締め切り延長のお知らせ (sent on Jan. 9, 2024)
Dear Associate Members, ビジネス会員の皆様へ We hope this newsletter finds you well and starting the year prosperously. This JALT AM newsletter will cover announcements and information we think will interest you throughout the year.ビジネス会員様向けニュースレターでは、年間を通じて皆様にご興味を持っていただけるようなお知らせや情報をお伝えしてまいります。本年も皆さまのご支援をよろしくお願い申し上げます。 JALT2024 International Conference Call for Presentations There are two major deadlines for JALT2024 submissions. JALT2024年次国際大会における2種類の発表申し込み期限は以下の通りです。 Due March 10th, 2024: 特別講演者ワークショップスポンサーのお申し込み(3月10日) Due May 31st, 2024: 無審査発表のお申し込み(5月31日)…
JALT: Invitation to BRAIN X SUTLF Conference (February 2-4) (sent on Jan. 9, 2024)
Dear Associate Member, I am JALT’s Mind, Brain, and Education (BRAIN) SIG Coordinator and I am writing to invite you to join us at the joint BRAIN X SUTLF (BRAIN SIG and NanKyu Chapter; Sojo University Teaching & Learning Forum) conference to be held in February 2024. We realize that this is very short notice, and…
JALT2023 Registration Report and EME Survey / JALT2023参加御礼、登録者数ご報告、アンケートのお願い (sent Dec. 19, 2023)
Dear Associate Members, 日本語のお知らせは後に続きます First, thank you very much for your recent attendance and support of the JALT2023 International Conference and Educational Materials Exhibition (EME) in Tsukuba. We hope that you found the JALT2023 enjoyable and useful as you had opportunities to meet with the conference participants. JALT2023: Attached is a table of conference registrants. Post-conference Survey We kindly…
JALT: Invitation for Teacher Development SIG One-Day EFL Research Conference “Moving Towards Sustainable Education” February 17, 2024 (sent Dec. 8, 2023)
Teacher Development Special Interest Group (of JALT) One-Day EFL Research Conference “Moving Towards Sustainable Education” February 17th, 2024 The Teacher Development SIG of JALT has prepared our first face-to-face conference since 2020 and will hold it in Hakodate, Hokkaido on February 17, 2024. As one of the largest SIGs in the JALT research group, we…
JALT2023 Important EME Information JALT2023教材展示会・重要なお知らせ (sent on Nov. 21, 2023)
TO: ASSOCIATE MEMBERS ビジネス会員の皆様へ WELCOME TO JALT2023! We thank you very much for participating in the JALT2023 Educational Materials Exhibition (EME) at the Tsukuba International Congress Center. Here are a few things to remember during your stay here: Set Up Schedule: 展示ブースの準備 Set up time starts on Friday, November 24 at 14:00 and finishes at 18:00. 展示ブースの準備は24日(金)午後14時から18時の間にお願いいたします。 EME Hours of…
JALT2023 Exhibition Materials Delivery Service Application Deadline–TODAY! (sent on Nov. 10, 2023)
Dear Associate Members, I am sending this email on behalf of Watanabe Ryutsu who will deliver your boxes to the venue. Please fill out the attached application form (last page) and return it to this email address <am@jalt.org> by the end of today. Of particular importance are the number of boxes, the date of arrival in Japan,…
JALT2023 Additional Booth Equipment Orders (deadline: Nov. 10), Official Company Logo, and Final Information on Conference Registration (sent on Oct. 31, 2023)
Dear Associate Members, ビジネス会員の皆さまへ Please reply to: am@associatesご返信・ご連絡は以下のメールアドレスにお願いいたします:am@jalt.org Additional Booth Equipment Orders (by Nov. 10) ブース備品の追加注文(11月10日締め切り)Each exhibit booth comes with one desk (W180cm x D60 x H70) and two chairs free of charge. If you would like to order additional equipment, please let us know by Friday, November 10. The cost is ¥2500 per desk, ¥600 for a chair,…
**Important** JALT2023 Shipping Information and Request for Pick-up/Delivery Service (sent on Oct. 26, 2023)
Dear Associate Members, ビジネス会員の皆様へ As we announced in a recent newsletter, our designated shipping agent, Watanabe Ryutsu, will handle the entire delivery of your materials. Please be sure to read the important information on the attached document, including the application form. Please contact Watanabe Ryutsu directly to make arrangements for your boxes. The application form can…
JALT2023 Nov 25-26 EME Conference Update・JALT2023年次国際大会最新情報 (sent on Oct. 10, 2023)
Dear Associate Members, ビジネス会員の皆様へ Thank you for supporting JALT2023 in Tsukuba! The attached is information that will help you prepare for our event. We only have 7 weeks left to prepare for this highlight of the year! If there is any information we have left out, please let us know and we will answer your…